《想拍好照片就读这本书》英文原版 . 馨心中译【01 构图】


馨心在圣诞节收到这本《READ THIS BOOK IF YOU WANT TO TAKE GREAT PHOTOGRAPHS》,我暂且翻译成《想拍好照片就读这本书》。特别喜欢,因为文字很活泼,比较复杂的原理讲的言简意赅,并且内容偏向于培养美感而非理论知识。



Composition 构图

‘ You don’t take a photograph, you make it ’——— Ansel Adams

“ 照片不是拍出来的,是造出来的。” ———安塞尔. 亚当斯

There are 50 different photographers featured in this book. They’re a mixed bunch, each with their own styles, interests and ways of doing things. Put them in a room together and it might get heated.


But, eclectic as they are, there’s something they all have in common. It’s their shared appreciation for one of the most important aspects of photography— composition.


Think of composition as the foundations of your image. And just like those of a building, foundations need to be strong.


Composition is all about how you choose to order the visual elements in your picture. It’s slippery and subjective, and often something you have to feel rather than calculate. But don’t let this talk of feeling make you nervous, as I’m about to show you some fundamental techniques to help get you started.


These techniques are the ones that great photographers use time and time again. They’re also the ones that will instantly make your pictures come alive.



Monolith, The Face of Half Dome,

Yosemite National Park, California

Ansel Adams


  • 《Read This Book If You Want To Take Great Photographs.》

  • 英文原版书作者:Henry Carroll

  • 文字编译及素材搜集:Amber 梁馨心

  • 声明:本人仅以爱好摄影之故翻译此书,无任何经济意图及收益,如有人非法转载、印刷或用于敛财途径等,一切法律违权责任自负。

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