《想拍好照片就读这本书》英文原版 . 馨心中译【03 万物之形】


The Rebbe

Marc Asnin


The shape of things 万物之形

It’s not just the lines in your image that dictate how our eyes move across it. The shape (or format) is just as important.


Horizontal pictures ( or landscape format ) encourage our eyes to move from side to side. Vertical pictures ( or portrait format ) make them move up and down.


Choosing the format has nothing to do with whether you’re shooting landscapes or portraits. Instead, try to match the format of your picture to the dominant lines or natural flow of your subject. This means the shape of your picture and the subject matter will work together to guide the eye in one clear direction.


In this photograph by Marc Asnin the landscape format prompts our eyes to glide from left to right along the undulating line of heads. It’s a busy scene, but the landscape format creates order by drawing out this leading line, which in turn communicates the acute sense of drama.


Look at the Ansel Adams image on page 8 and see how the portrait format accentuates the hanging weight of the monolithic rock face. The gravity of the lines works in tandem with the vertical shape of the image, making our eyes sink from top to bottom.


  • 《Read This Book If You Want To Take Great Photographs.》

  • 英文原版书作者:Henry Carroll

  • 文字编译及素材搜集:Amber 梁馨心

  • 声明:本人仅以爱好摄影之故翻译此书,无任何经济意图及收益,如有人非法转载、印刷或用于敛财途径等,一切法律违权责任自负。

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