《想拍好照片就读这本书》英文原版 . 馨心中译【04 值得深思的框架之中】


Burning Man Festival

Black Rock City. Nevada, USA

Cristina Garcia Rodero


Think inside the box 值得深思的框架之中

Like the post-apocalyptic film Mad Max, in this image teenagers rule the world, running free across desert plains fueled by on hedo nistic fix after another.


Photographing during Nevada’s Burning Man festival, Cristina Garcia Rodero finds order in an otherwise anarchic scene through the use of framing. Here, our eyes initially bypass the hoards occupying the van and hone in on the leaping figure framed by a hoop.


Framing draws attention to a particular part of your composition. It’s especially handy if you’re shooting a busy scene.


Look for doorways, windows and openings-anything that might help to focus attention on a particular part of your composition. But framing is a powerful tool, so don’t just frame any old thing. Find subjects that are worth putting a frame around. Think of it as creating a photograph within your photograph.


P.S. 前几天馨心和家人去海边度长周末了,没有及时更新,望海涵,回归后每日持续更新,感谢支持!

  • 《Read This Book If You Want To Take Great Photographs.》

  • 英文原版书作者:Henry Carroll

  • 文字编译及素材搜集:Amber 梁馨心

  • 声明:本人仅以爱好摄影之故翻译此书,无任何经济意图及收益,如有人非法转载、印刷或用于敛财途径等,一切法律违权责任自负。

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